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To: lightwave@webcom.com
From: stjor@fox.nstn.ca (Tom Jorgensen)
Subject: Re: It's a Girl! No! It's a Boy!
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>In article Stephen Bowie <ad636@freenet.toronto.on.ca> writes:
>>> I got upset .... then calmed and couldn't be bothered posting a
>>>complaint, but since you did. YES it piss=E9d me off, why couldn't he
>>>send it directly to whoever wanted it?
>>Well...let's give a guy who just had a kid a little leeway fro=20
>>spontaneous mistakes, shall we? It's not that I approve of the practice=20
>>though, as he could have posted a small note offering to e-mail the jpeg=20
>>to anyone who couldn't live without it. =20
>>Stephan Bowie
>Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an ogar. : ) . I'm really a nice person,
>and as I said I wasn't going to complain but someone else did so I thought I'd
>just like a point made out of it. It's cool that he want's to show of his kid.
>Geoff Suttor
Hi there,
What's his name just did it again and I for one am tired of having my mail
screwed up with jpg's. Perhaps someone will be able to discourage our
exuberant friend and explain to him the problems he's creating. This latest
post seems a little provocative.
Tom Jorgensen director film/video stjor@fox.nstn.ca
stjor@fox.nstn.ca (Tom Jorgensen) sent this message.
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